Monday, January 6, 2014

Growing Up

Growing Up

Growing up is known to everybody, clearly things change as you grow older and sometimes you just wanna preserve those memories.
Many teenagers reconcile about their past when they see a familiar show or hear an old song and then the realization hits you that you're not in the past anymore. When I was younger I was in love with Spongebob, granted I do still watch it but it kinda changed for me, back when I was little that's the only thing I watched now I watch things like How I Met Your Mother, 2 and a half men, and The Walking Dead.
I think many remember when it came to falling asleep on the couch or in the car and when you'd wake up you'd be on your bed, that doesn't happen anymore.
Remember when Hot Wheels were the coolest things around? I remember every week I'd buy one now I keep them cluttered in an old lunchbox I got when I was in the 5th grade. I'm pretty sure watching Toy Story 3 was one of those things people can relate to on how as you grow older the things you saw and liked before are just their like artifacts and when Andy had the choice to give away the toys that's like telling everybody nothing lasts forever eventually you're gonna get to that point and you have to grow up. I don't want to grow up. I remember all those fun times with my parents, my fears, having those days where nothing really mattered but as time progressed now everything is about: School, College, getting a job, finding a career, getting married, owning a house, having children and it just happened to quick.
I remember I was little my dream was of become older because of all those unfair rules but now that we've reached that age I wanna go back.
I want to return to when I watched Saturday night cartoons.
I wanna return to when I was afraid of the dark.
Heck, I'd even return to peeing my pants when I got scared.
It just goes by too fast, like you wanna preserve every little chance you get because soon it'll all disappear and you'll become and adult and that's it. It's over.
I think the transition of child to adolescent teenager is quite remarkable because you don't give much thought of what would've happened in the future you just go with the motions
Growing up is not what I expected at all, it's the complete opposite really.
I have a 2 year old niece that has loads of energy and sometimes her hyperactivity makes me tired really quick and my bones crack a lot too and my mom makes those jokes off me being an old man already.
We can't help it we're getting old.
No one wants to grow up.

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